
Basics of Hydraulic System
In this article, the working principles of a hydraulic system have been explained. System components such as the pump, valve, actuator, and filter have been discussed. An example has been provided to reinforce the understanding

Aircraft Engine Maintenance
Introduction In this article, I will discuss the maintenance of aircraft engine parts, a topic I learned about during my previous internship. With this article, I aim to provide information to aspiring engineers who want

2D Finite Element Analysis
The solution of 2D differential equations using the finite element method is discussed. Weak formulation is employed to reduce the order, jacobian matrix is introduced and used to find differential terms, and elemental matrices are

1D Finite Element Analysis
The solution of 1D differential equations using the finite element method is discussed. Weak formulation is employed to reduce the order, and elemental matrices are obtained under various assumptions. After assembling the matrices, the matrix

Control Systems
Introduction Control Systems is a course I took at university previous year. I am reviewing the topics because I am currently working in this field at the company. While doing this review, I thought it

Basics of Hydraulic System
In this article, the working principles of a hydraulic system have been explained. System components such as the pump, valve, actuator, and filter have been discussed. An example has been provided to reinforce the understanding of the topic.

Aircraft Engine Maintenance
Introduction In this article, I will discuss the maintenance of aircraft engine parts, a topic I learned about during my previous internship. With this article, I aim to provide information

2D Finite Element Analysis
The solution of 2D differential equations using the finite element method is discussed. Weak formulation is employed to reduce the order, jacobian matrix is introduced and used to find differential terms, and elemental matrices are obtained under various assumptions. After assembling the matrices, the matrix equation is solved to obtain the solution. Subsequently, as an example some materials are given.

1D Finite Element Analysis
The solution of 1D differential equations using the finite element method is discussed. Weak formulation is employed to reduce the order, and elemental matrices are obtained under various assumptions. After assembling the matrices, the matrix equation is solved to obtain the solution. Subsequently, an example problem is solved to illustrate the topic.

Control Systems
Introduction Control Systems is a course I took at university previous year. I am reviewing the topics because I am currently working in this field at the company. While doing